What Happens in Therapy?
Questions to ask yourself when choosing a therapist:
Psychotherapy is the practice of spending time with a professional trained to help diagnose and treat cognitive and emotional problems and to help you build and maintain your mental health (that is "Psychobabble" for helping you like and enjoy your life more.) Therapy with Laura can take various forms—cognitive behavioral therapy, mindfulness-based stress reduction, psychodynamic therapy, Narrative Therapy, Art Therapy, a combination of these, or other styles of skilled intervention.
You will never be forced to speak about, do, or participate in something you do not want to do.
Over the course of life we all develop habits, ways of thinking, ways of acting that are both helpful and unhelpful. But slowing down long enough to notice and change those "unhelpful" patterns requires we take time away from the everyday hussle of going and doing and discover if we can change our own lives for the better. Participating in therapy is a primary way of you helping you!
Do you have an Inner Bully always nagging at you? Is each day difficult because of a pervasive sense of sadness? Do you worry about yesterday and tomorrow? Is parenting so much more confusing than you anticipated? Are you lonely, angry, stressed, confused, irritated, defeated, hurt, apathetic? Are you doing behaviors you wish you would not do? Has someone died and you cannot think or feel any of life beyond your loss? Are your parents aging while your kids still need you? Are you aging, changing, shifting in ways that you want to better understand?
Therapy is for anyone who wants to be purposeful in making their life a better place to be.
A therapist or counselor should help you feel a sense of connection, safety, and support. Ask yourself the following questions:
Does it seem like the therapist cares about me and my problems?
Does the therapist have skills in listening, asking questions, and understanding what I am experiencing?
Does the therapist accept me for who I am?
Do I feel comfortable sharing personal, honest, and open information with this individual?
Does the therapist listen without interrupting, criticizing, or judging?
Even if your therapist looks great on paper, if the connection doesn’t feel right—if you don’t trust the person or feel like they truly care—go with another choice. A good therapist will respect this choice and should never pressure you or make you feel guilty